
Shipping Policy

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs vary depending on the shipping destination and the number of items that you purchase. You can get a calculation of your exact shipping charges by adding items to your cart, proceeding to checkout, and entering your mailing address. The shipping cost will automatically update and display in your total costs.

Where do we deliver?

We provide worldwide shipping.

How long will it take for the buyer to receive their order?

On average, merchandise is produced and shipped from our facility 5-7 business days after purchase. Standard shipping/transit times apply (5-10 days for domestic and 7-15 days for international).

Can the order be delivered to multiple addresses?

We do not offer the shipment to multiple addresses for a single order. If you would like items delivered to multiple addresses, please place those orders separately.

Do you offer delivery to po boxes or military apo/fpo addresses?

Yes, we can send shipments to PO Boxes and Military APO/FPO addresses.

Will I be charged vat taxes?

Items shipping internationally from the US are shipped DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) and we do not collect VAT (Value Added Taxes). All taxes, duties, and customs fees are the responsibility of the recipient of the package. Depending on the receiving country, your package may incur local customs or VAT charges. We recommend contacting your local customs office for more information regarding your country's customs policies.


Representative Office: 200 West Street, New York City, New York, US.

Head Office: Portland St, Manchester M1 3LD, UK.

Monday – Saturday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

(You can still email us outside of business hours and we will respond within 24 hours)

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